Served in Berlin: Life lessons
In early October 2018, I ventured to Berlin. My whole reason for going was to see Tory Lanez, so imagine the disappointment when we arrived at the venue to see the concert was cancelled! Regardless we made the most of the time to explore the wonderful and quirky city that is Berlin. It was an amazing experience and a trip I had been looking forward to since early on in the year. However it wasn’t just a nice holiday or a cool trip abroad, I actually got served and left with lessons that I’ll take with me forever:
- A plan is good but sometimes just freestyle
I’m a planner at heart, I like to map out every single little thing as well as predict possible outcomes. This is good in some capacities and definitely comes in handy but sometimes plans break down and that’s ok. Out of all the trips I’ve been to Berlin has to be my least thought out. I did not have an itinerary in place and I had a very very loose idea of what I was going to do. I arrived with no plan and it was great! My first day was spent just wandering the streets with no pressure and then I took the time whilst I was there that evening to pick out some places I really wanted to see. It was a new approach but also very refreshing.
The definition of freestyling
2. If you’re stuck just ask!
Looking back now I can laugh the day was spent looking for something which was under our noses. The museum island was great due to time constraints, we couldn’t visit the inside of each museum. Before finding it we had a grand idea in our head of what it would look like and went off with our bikes and google maps. 2 hours later and several up and downs we finally asked someone and low and behold it was around the corner we could do nothing but laugh, at ourselves and the situation. In life why waste hours, days, months or years trying to figure something out that someone already has the answer to? Just ask not only will you save time, but you’ll save on resources and can certainly dispel that energy on something that really matters.
Photo time
3. It’s not always A-B, sometimes get lost
Sometimes that detour leads you to something greater, not getting that job or going through a break up. It may not seem like it but everything leads to something even when it seems like it’s all going wrong. I told my friend numerous times I’m over this and I was ready to not look for this place anymore, but in our many detours I noticed other cool spots to see and we got some awesome pictures and also a nice little bike ride journey.
4. Get rid of unnecessary baggage
The bike was a nice touch! The weather was nice it was a quick and easy way to explore the city but when we got lost and couldn’t find our destination it quickly became a hindrance, we still kept it though. Once it started to cause difficulty we should’ve packed it away/ docked It until we had done what we needed to do. In life sometimes you hold onto things just in case or because you think you need it or it’s just a nice touch. But ask yourself this, is this thing helping me or holding me back. Dock that person, that problem, that attitude and travel light for your next flight.
5. There’s always time for ice-cream
Always! On holiday seeing an ice cream van always prompted me to get one, I mean it’s a holiday after all. Treat yourself! After all our days’ drama, we passed one. Despite not having much time we stopped for ice cream, took in the surroundings, and reminisced on our crazy day. Take time in your day to day life to treat yourself to something that makes you smile; whether that be putting on your favourite track or meeting up for friends always schedule it in. Prioritise your peace of mind we only have one and we must look after it.
Always make time for ice cream
Until next time
Koko xo